Past Jobs
CA FW LKL MULTI(1), Klamath NWR Trail, Parking, & Auto Tour Route . :
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $4,187,744.00
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Roadway & aggregate surfacing and trail rehabilitation. Including concrete sidewalk and aggregate.
CA ERFO FS LSPDR 2021-1(1), Nacimiento-Fergusson Road. :
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $4,973,188.00
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Emergency relief for Federally owned roads, road reconstruction, MSE wall, culvert and slope repair.
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $4,002,506.56
Location: Dumont Dunes CA
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Road restoration, resurfacing, rehabilitation, asphalt surfacing, and low water crossing
Colorado Street CDBG Pavement Rehabilitation Project :
Owner: Carson City
Contract: $3,686,067.65
Location: Carson City, NV
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Replacement of asphalt pavement, sidewalk, curb and gutter, driveway aprons, water main, storm drain catch basins, signage, and related improvements.
CA FLAP NEV 40 Donner Pass Road:
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $16,515,011.30
Location: Nevada & Placer County
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary:
Restoration, Resurfacing, and Rehabilitation (3R+) Widening, Grading, Drainage, and Asphalt Concrete Pavement
Johnson Lane Drainage Basins :
Owner: Douglas County Public Works
Contract: $1,075,275.00
Location: Minden, NV
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Construction of 4 detention basins.
Sherman Street & North Broadway Street Rehabilitation :
Owner: City of Fallon
Contract: $3,300,186.25
Location: Fallon, NV
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Road Rehabilitation and improvements.
NV FLAP US 50(1) – Round Hill Pines Access :
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $5,228,520.00
Location: Zephyr Cove Lake Tahoe
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Mill, Overlay and Widen US 50. Drainage Improvements; new access road to Round Hill Pines Resort.
Martin Slough Multimodal Trail :
Owner: Douglas County Community Development
Contract: $1,577,883.15
Location: Douglas County, Nevada
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Multimodal Trail

YOSEMITE South-side Drive & Bridalveil Parking:
Owner: National Park Services, Yosemite National Park
Contract: $9,308,696.24
Location: Mariposa County, California
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Earthwork, Aggregate Courses, Hot Asphalt Concrete Paving, Drainage, Rockery Wall, Water Sanitary Sewer, Electrical, and Communication Work.
Center Drive Rehabilitation :
Owner: Carson City Public Works
Contract: $1,033,328.28
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Center Drive Rehabilitation
Fish Springs Ranch Wells A, B, & E Drainage Improvements :
Owner: Truckee Meadows Water Authority
Contract: $415,400.00
Location: Washoe County, Nevada
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Drainage Improvements
NV FLAP 300(1) Fossil House Road :
Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $3,439,681.00
Location: Berlin Ichthyosaur State Park Nye County, Nevada
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary – Restoration, Resurfacing, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (4R), Widening, Grading, Drainage, and Retaining Wall.
South Tahoe Greenway Shared Use Trail Phase 1B & 2 Project:
Owner: Department of Transportation
Contract: $3,648,829.38
Location: El Dorado County, District 5, California
Job Summary:
Construct a Class 1 shared use trail, includes a 10 FT wide paved path with 2 FT aggregate base shoulders, precast concrete boardwalk system, tubular steel railing, and a prefabricated bridge over Trout Creek, clearing and grubbing, tree removal, excavation and grading, asphalt concrete paving, drainage improvements, bridge abutments, signing & striping, pavement markings, re-vegetation, dewatering, traffic control and erosion control.

Plymouth Drive Reconstruction :
Owner: Douglas County Public Works
Contract: $316,150.00
Location: Douglas County, Nevada
Project Documents: Click Here
Job Summary: Install approximately 36,000 SF of pulverizing and repaving, pavement striping, aggregate V-ditches, concrete curbs, valley gutters, and related appurtenances.
Owner: California State Parks and Recreation
Contract: $594,288.00
Location: Monterey County, California
Job Summary – Furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to reinstall Weyland Bridge at PFEIFFER BIG SUR STATE PARK in Monterey County, California.

Owner: Federal Highway Administration
Contract: $96,125.00
Location: Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe, California
Job Summary:
Class 1 Bike Path Construction
CA FTFW KERN 12(1) 900(1) Trail (1) HQ Entrance Road HQ/VC Parking Lot & Trails:
Owner: Federal Highway Administration
Contract: $922,459.50
Location: Kern County, California
Job Summary:
Reconstruction & Paving of approximately 0.08 miles of roadway. Reconstruction & Paving of approximately 400 SQYD of the Visitor Center Parking Area. Additional work consists of the construction of trail systems with a total of approximately 1.3 miles. Proposed improvements include roadway construction, asphalt concrete pavement, aggregate base, parking concrete pads, signing, pavement markings & aggregate surface for trails.
NV FLAP CR 196 Silver Peak Road(Phase 2):

Owner: US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Contract: $5,043,462.25
Location: Esmeralda County, Nevada
Job Summary:
Road Reconstruction, Paving and Drainage Replacements
Sierra Blvd Complete Streets:
Owner: City of South Lake Tahoe Public Works
Contract: $ 4,986,953.00
Location: South Lake Tahoe, California
Job Summary: Street Rehabilitation, Curb, Gutter, Storm Drain, Water Meters, Sidewalk, and Bike trail.
Senior Center West Parking Lot Reconstruction:
Owner: Public Works
Contract: $218,745.80
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Job Summary:
Reconstruction of the west parking lot at the Carson City Senior Center including pulverizing the existing parking lot, regrading, concrete work, signs, striping and related improvements.
Construction on State Highway in Mono County:
Owner: Caltrans 09-369804
Contract: $1,254,944
Location: Mono County near Chalfant, California
Job Summary:
Roadway Excavation and Place HMA in Mono County at Chalfant from 0.2 Mile South Hunter Ave to 0.3 Mile North of Chalfant Road
CA FLAP SR 89(2) Meeks Bay Bike Path:
Owner: Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
Contract: $3,663,312.68
Location: Lake Tahoe Basin National Forest El Dorado County, California
Job Summary: Class 1 Bike Path Construction, Bicycle Bridge Construction, Retaining Walls, Sidewalk Construction, Aggregate Base, Asphalt Resurfacing.
South Lake Tahoe Road Rehabilitation Project Phase II:
Owner: South Lake Tahoe
Contract: $1,028,129.45
Location: South Lake Tahoe, California
Job Summary:
Pulverization, recompaction, 3″ AC, Patch paving and striping
Emerald Bay State Park Eagle Point Campground:
Owner: State of California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contract: $2,124,082.00
Location: El Dorado County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Project A: Make improvements to meet current ADA requirements and provide updated facilities at Eagle Point Campground including but not limited to: remove and replace select comfort stations and combination buildings, provide accessible pathways and upgrade the existing accessible parking stalls at campground facilities to meet current standards. Project B/C: Make improvements to four (4) lift stations at Eagle Point Campground, including but not limited to, installing new equipment, control systems, electrical upgrades and related telemetry equipment. Project will also involve the removal of the existing pumping equipment and controllers and the removal of the overflow tanks. Extend the south end of the existing potable water treatment building and install new water treatment equipment, and provide electrical improvements.
Camp Richardson Campground Reconstruction & Retrofit BMP:
Owner: USDA Forest Service
Contract: $3,379,614.00
Location: South Lake Tahoe, California
Job Summary:
Camp Richardson Campground Reconstruction includes complete reconstruction of two campgrounds at Camp Richardson Resort near South Lake Tahoe, California. This work includes, but is not limited to: tree removal, clearing and grubbing, fill and excavation, aggregate base placement, asphalt placement, minor utility work, campsite furniture relocation, road barrier placement and culvert installation. Additionally, this project involves the relocation of a bike path, construction of a pedestrian path and the construction of access roads. These items will require traffic control and occur within the right-of-way for California Highway 89. The project also includes several optional bid items. These include: construction of an additional campsite loop, installation of a pre-constructed entrance building, alternative for paving the pedestrian path, installation of a sewer lateral for a future restroom and additional aggregate base parking spaces.
Construction on State Highway in Mono County from Rte 270 to Jack Sawyer Road:
Owner: Caltrans 09-360604
Contract: $4,408,631.00
Location: Bridgeport, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction on state highway in Mono County from Route 270 to 0.1 Mile north of Jack Sawyer Road.
South Tahoe Greenway Shared Use Trail Herbert to Glenwood (Phase 1A):
Owner: State of California Department of General Services
Contract: $405,474.00
Location: South Lake Tahoe, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of approximately 2,500 lineal feet of the shared-use trail starting at Herbert Road and continuing to Glenwood Road in South Lake Tahoe. The shared-use trail design incorporates asphalt trail on grade, raised asphalt train on permeable fill, minor grading, tree stump removal, and intersection signage and crosswalk striping.
Silver Peak Road(Phase 1):
Owner: Federal Highway Administration
Contract: $11,295,857.39
Location: Esmeralda County, Nevada
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
This project will consist of aggregate base, hot asphalt concrete pavement, grading, culverts, and concrete headwalls/wingwalls. SCHEDULE A is approximately 6.0 miles (MP 4 to MP 10) of roadway construction including culvert installation, concrete headwalls and wingwalls, embankment, placement of new aggregate base, hot asphalt concrete paving, signing and striping. Significant items include 31 new culverts 24″ to 60″ in diameter, 10 each concrete headwalls/wingwalls for 48″-60″ culverts, 12,600 CUYD of Roadway Aggregate Method 2, approximately 38,000 CY of embankment, 15,100 tons of hot asphalt concrete pavement, 121,200 LF of pavement markings.
Lake Mary Road to Lake George Road Multi-Use Path Project:
Owner: Town of Mammoth Lakes
Contract: $734,020.46
Location: Mammoth Lakes, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project is located in the Lakes Basin, Mammoth Lakes, California and is adjacent to Around Lake Mary Loop Road from Lake Mary Road to Lake George Road. The project improvements include the construction of a multi-use path, a bike pad, the realignment of a section of Around Lake Mary Loop Road, the installation of a 50′ bridge at the Lake Mamie Outfall near Lake George Road, and minor drainage improvements.
2015 Well #10 (Heybourne) Pump Station:
Owner: Town of Minden
Contract: $556,946.32
Location: Minden, Nevada
Job Summary:
The primary scope of work is to construct a pump station including the construction of the building, electrical and mechanical improvements. Site improvements including piping, utilities, landscaping, well pump installation, equipment and emergency generator installation, controls system, and associated piping and appurtenances.
2015 Street Rehabilitation:
Owner: Town of Minden
Contract: $298,128.00
Location: Minden, Nevada
Job Summary:
The primary scope of work includes adjustment of utilities, pulverization of existing pavement, addition of aggregate base as needed, compaction of base course, and placement of new pavement at several locations in the Town of Minden. In addition, Portland cement concrete sidewalks, curb and gutters will be removed and replaced at various locations.
North Canyon Creek Management Road and South Ditch Project:
Owner: Nevada Division of State Lands
Contract: $233,642.00
Location: Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park – Spooner Unit
Job Summary:
The work includes redirection of flows from Spooner Dam from the South Ditch of Spooner Meadow into a remnant channel for meadow restoration purposes and the rehabilitation of a portion of the North Canyon Creek maintenance road.
Arroyo Seco Road:
Owner: Federal Highway Administration
Contract: $3,584,518.65
Location: Monterey County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The proposed project is for restoration, resurfacing, and rehabilitation of 4.7 miles of roadway between the Arroyo Seco Campground and the intersection with County Road G16 (Carmel Valley Road). The major work elements include pulverizing the existing road to a depth of 4″ and a 3″ asphalt surfacing. The primary scopes of work are slope stabilization, sub excavation, pulverization, aggregate base, asphalt pavement, drainage improvements, signing and pavement markings.
Trout Creek Trail Phase 1:
Owner: Town of Truckee
Contract: $1,133,292.00
Location: Truckee, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project consists of site protection, temporary erosion and sediment control devices, demolition, grading, permanent stabilization of the site, paving. In addition, installation of rock walls, rock slopes, utilities and drainage devices.
Caltrans 03-3F9504 Widen Turn Lane on Highway 49:
Owner: Caltrans
Contract: $429,306.80
Location: Grass Valley, CA
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction on State Highway 49 in Nevada County near Grass Valley from 0.2 miles south of Holcomb / Cherry Creek Road to 0.2 miles north of Holcomb / Cherry Creek Road.
Mendocino Woodlands SP Camp 1 Wastewater System Rehabilitation:
Owner: State of California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contract: $1,051,225.00
Location: Mendocino County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to rehabilitate the Camp 1 wastewater system at the Mendocino Woodlands State Park.
Caltrans 09-353304 Crestview Maintenance Station:
Owner: Caltrans
Contract: $972,216.55
Location: Mono County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction adjacent to state highway in Mono County at Crestview at the Crestview Maintenance Station including building demolition, site work and utilities.
Virginia Canal Crossing:
Owner: Douglas County Public Works
Contract: $213,341.59
Location: Gardnerville, Nevada
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Connecting Muller Parkway to Mathias Parkway by spanning the Virginia Canal with box culverts to accommodate a local road cross-section, bike path and sidewalk.
McArthur – Burney Falls Memorial State Park:
Owner: State of California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contract: $325,529.00
Location: Shasta County, California
Job Summary:
The work consists of demolishing, modifying, and upgrading the existing 1,368 SF visitor center and approximately 3,000 SF of exterior site. Demolishment of building siding, trim, walls, doors, windows, cooling system, electrical, and asphalt and concrete. Modifications shall consist of re-framing of interior and exterior doors and windows. Upgrades shall consist of new wall frame, exterior siding, sheetrock, paint, cabinets and sales counter, HVAC, lighting, and electrical. The site improvements shall consist of grading, AB fill, stabilized soil, rock blanket, timber stairs, bike rack, landscape boulders, concrete paving, AC patch, and solid roof wooden pavilion structure.
Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds Site Accessibility Phases 3-5:
Owner: ARAMARK Sports & Entertainment Services, LLC
Contract: $2,227,370.00
Location: Pacific Grove, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
To provide accessibility renovations.
Forest Service Road 420 / 245 Rehabilitation Project:
Owner: USDA Forest Service
Contract: $406,092.90
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project consists of hauling and spreading 6-inches of compacted crushed aggregate for 4.96 miles and 4-inches of compacted crushed aggregate surfacing course material for 1.97 miles on single-lane Forest Service roads from a government source. There are 6.93 miles of road reconditioning to be done prior to the spreading and compaction of the crushed aggregate surface course. Installation of construction warning signs and maintenance of all haul roads.
Kaibab Level III Road Rehabilitation:
Owner: USDA Forest Service
Contract: $564,218.00
Location: Williams Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest in Arizona
Job Summary:
The project consists of hauling and spreading 4-inches of compacted crushed aggregate for approximately 16.1 miles on single lane Forest Service roads from a government source. There is 16.1 miles of road reconditioned and drainage structure improvements completed prior to and during the spreading and compaction of the crushed aggregate surface course.
Aspen Road Paving Project:
Owner: County of Mono Department of Public Works
Contract: $125,589.00
Location: June Lake, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The work to be done generally consists of the repave Aspen Road as well as other items or details not mentioned above that is required by the project plans and specifications. The work takes place along Aspen Road located on U.S. Highway 158 in the community of June Lake.
Montgomery Estates Area 2 Erosion Control:
Owner: County of El Dorado Department of Transportation
Contract: $350,549.90
Location: South Lake Tahoe, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of erosion control improvements including culverts, rock-lined channels, blanket-lined channels, curb and gutter, drainage inlets, sediment traps, basins, and slope stabilization.
Boulder Mountain Erosion Control Project:
Owner: El Dorado County Department of Transportation
Contract: $347,295.90
Location: El Dorado County in the Tahoe Basin
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of erosion control improvements including culverts and subdrains, grass-lined swales, curb and gutter, drainage inlets, a drain basin, restoring pavement on Boulder Mountain Drive, stabilizing the entrance of a dirt access road with pavement and rock, and road shoulder stabilizing.
Lee Vining Streets Rehabilitation:
Owner: County of Mono / Department of Public Works
Contract: $1,444,401.49
Location: Lee Vining, California
Job Summary:
Rehabilitation of local streets, removal of existing sidewalk, curb, gutter, asphalt and placement of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, pedestrian ramps and drainage facilities.
Linear Park Landscape Improvements:
Owner: City of South Lake Tahoe
Contract: $587,350.20
Location: City of South Lake Tahoe
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Existing pedestrian trail pavement pulverization, structural section grading, compaction, paving, site preparation (clearing, grubbing, tree removal, tree trimming, grading, bed soil amendments, lawn area soil amendments), irrigation system, sod placement, installation of trees, shrubs, and other plantings, stone edging and accenting, street lights, utility trenching, park benches, Best Management Practices, compliance with regulatory permits, establishing vegetation on areas disturbed by construction activity.
Douglas County Community and Senior Center Fill Pad Project:
Owner: Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Contract: $331,572.03
Location: Gardnerville, Nevada
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of a fill pad and future stormwater retention ponds for the future Community & Senior Center building and parking area. The work will generally include excavation and grading of approximately 42,517 cubic yards of fill generated from the excavation of the future stormwater retention ponds.
El Dorado Hills Community Park Improvements: Restroom and Pedestrian Bridge:
Owner: El Dorado Hills Community Services District
Contract: $204,885.00
Location: El Dorado Hills, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The work includes paving, accessible parking, utilities for restroom, installation of pre-engineered/fabricated bridge and restroom, bridge abutments, site furnishings, grading, irrigation, and planting.
Forest Service Road 300:
Owner: US Forest Service
Contract: $234,656.00
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project consists of reconditioning and surfacing, from a commercial source, 4.1 miles of Forest Road 300 with the possible addition of another mile of reconditioning and surfacing. The project is located on the Mogollon Rim Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest.
Nevada Stateline to Stateline Bikeway South Demonstration Project Phase 1 Improvements:
Owner: Tahoe Transportation District
Contract: $1,498,835.00
Location: Stateline, Nevada
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of a newly paved bikeway, parking area, installation of a premanufactured restroom, boardwalk, and associated grading and drainage improvements.
Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay:

Owner: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Contract: $1,976,988.00
Location: Mono County, California
Job Summary:
HGE’s paving division was awarded a Caltrans overlay project in Mono County on State Hwy 167. The project included placing 11,300 TN of 3/8″ Dense Type A PG 64-28PMLAS Hotmix Asphalt. Herback’s quality control team insured another outstanding project for the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The anticipated start date was July 16, 2012 and continued through August 2012.
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Entrance and Day Use Development:
Owner: State of California Natural Resources Agency Department of Parks and Recreation
Contract: $3,291,094.00
Location: Big Sur, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project consists of clearing and grubbing the job site, removing asphalt, debris and a kiosk; realign sewer lines, install a lift station, water lines, storm drains, and electrical. Grade the site, excavate, construct trail and wood deck and install prefabricated vehicle and pedestrian bridges; realign and repair roads, resurface the parking lot, install landscape and irrigation; renovate existing residence to a visitor center and office facility and construct a new entrance kiosk and restroom.
Mendocino Woodlands State Park Water System Repair:
Owner: State of California Natural Resources Agency Department of Parks and Recreations
Contract: $1,434,000.00
Location: Mendocino Woodlands State Park in Mendocino County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
HGE began construction of Mendocino Woodlands State Park Water System Repair in November of 2011. The project includes over 12,000 LF of underground piping, two new wood frame buildings to house the water treatment plants, two new water treatment plants, relocation of existing water storage tanks and the addition of 3 new 10,000-gallon water storage tanks. This project is in a remote location requiring outstanding planning and execution to get the job done on time, on schedule and on budget.
Trout Creek Restoration – Reach 3 Construction Project:
Owner: Town of Truckee
Contract: $913,384.65
Location: Trout Creek in Truckee, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Improve physical aquatic habitat, restore functional floodplain, increase the extent and diversity of the riparian corridor, and improve flood protection. Lowering the rock-lined channel to create a continuous profile grade between the newly constructed channels requiring the excavation of approximately 100 cubic yards of material from the channel. The project required widening of the existing floodplain to an average of about 70 feet from the current average width of 30 feet and lower the bed of Trout Creek approximately 1-foot at the upstream end before transitioning to the existing grade. The channel is being reconstructed to support a series of pools and riffles with a slight increase in the meander pattern to pull the active channel away from the valley slope. The project also included the construction of a stormwater treatment basin and supplemental parking for residents.
2011 Waterline Replacement Project:
Owner: Kingsbury General Improvement District
Contract: $887,428.09
Location: Stateline, Nevada
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The project included the installation of approximately 7,060 lineal feet of 8″ PVC pipe, service lines, pressure reducing valve and vault, air release valves, and fire hydrants.
Lompoc Municipal Water Well No. 11:
Owner: City of Lompoc
Contract: $1,749,443.00
Location: Lompoc, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
The testing and equipping of Municipal Water Well No. 11 and installation of 16″ transmission water main. Work included Phase One well drilling construction, development and testing. Phase Two included the equipping of Well No. 11 and the installation of 16″ transmission main; clearing, grubbing, disposal, site work, earthwork, excavation, trenching, asphalt pavement. Two fiberglass buildings – one housing the pump and the other housing electrical controls.
Hawkins Peak Communication Facility Project:
Owner: County of Alpine
Contract: $1,674,522.30
Location: Hawkins Peak in Alpine County, California
Photo Gallery: Click Here
Job Summary:
Construction of an A-frame structure, battery vault, LPG tanks and generator. Also, construction of a 41-foot tower, underground conduit and prefabricated building.